
Currently a primarily an indoor compound target archery. Info on how to get started and what I do to become a better archer.

Toxon - Greek for bow and arrow

Given the prevalence of archery in movies, books, and other media, every character who picks up a bow and fires an arrow seems to be a natural crack shot, every time. That seems to rub off on all of their viewers in a sense of confidence that every arrow will find its way to the bullseye. However, upon reaching the firing line for the first time and letting loose an arrow that illusion is quickly broken.

Archery is hard. Surmounting that challenge requires continuous practice.

My preference in compound target archery comes from a desire to make the best shot possible without having to worry about the strain of holding while aiming. my preference of target vs hunting is that I don't have a desire to change my target but rather try and pursue that ideal release rather than pursue an animal. However, 3D target shooting go I've never attempted it does seem something like I would enjoy.

It's an incredibly meditative activity because of the necessity of consistency. Repetitive practice in perfect form to make perfect shots. What was the most important things I've learned is reaching a large volume of arrows for each practice session. Firing as much as possible and in time learning what you feel allows for the most consistent release.

Of the hobbies and skills to cultivate, this is one of the few that is a solely one person activity. Additionally, it is one of the sports where men and women can compete against each other or on the same team. Men and women are not segregated by gender which is a refreshing change of pace in competitive.

Setting Up

Finding a range is hard! There might not be a range near you. If there is one, going there might not be feasible or the group might not be a good fit. In either case, this might not be a good time for archery for you. However, if you do find a place to practice archery then a range is the best first step. Low entry cost and if you find that archery is not for you then no harm, no foul!

Going to a reputable range for the first time, they will equipment for you to use, a safe space to fire, and knowledgeable instructors to answer questions. They will inform you of the range rules, when to fire and when to collect, and how to do all of this safely.

The next step is to choose the kind of archery that you want to purse! There is traditional or barebow, Olympic recurve, and compound archery. Traditional barebow is how it sounds: no equipment other than the bow and arrow: no sights and or aim help. Olympic recurve is the most popular though I do not have much experience with it. Finally, compound bows which have cams on the ends of the bow which allow for significant reduction in strain while aiming at full draw.

Try bare bow first. Once comfortable, then move onto one of the disciplines (if you want to!).

Continuing Practice

Once settled in with a reasonable skill level (consistently hitting the 60 cm target at 18 meters), I highly suggest scoring yourself and joining Junior Olympic Archery Program (JOAD) or Adult Archery Program (AAP) where your scores are counted tournament style with fellow archers as judges. Those scores are submitted to World Archery and you can get pins for your achievements!

Steps of Shooting

  1. Stance

  2. Nock

  3. Hook and Grip

  4. Posture/ Alignment (Set)

  5. Raise (Set Up)

  6. Draw (to Load)

  7. Anchor

  8. Transfer to Hold

  9. (Expand and) Aim

  10. Release (and Follow Through)

  11. Feed Back

Note that the photos below are not representative of how I generally shoot.

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