: manage log files into readable reports with examples
: stream editor
to return string after last instance of \
character, useful for grabbing file names from absolute filepath
Power Shell
Remove first 8 characters in filename in folder get-childitem * | rename-item -newname { string .substring(8) } To narrow in on a specific file extension you would add the extension to the first *. Ex: get-childitem *.txt | rename-item -newname { string .substring(8) } to remove "Copy of " (8 characters) from sheet music
Get-Command [NAME-EXECUTABLE-FILE] | Select-Object * Use to find filelocation of executable
Get-WmiObject Win32_BaseBoard | Format-Table -Auto Manufacturer,Product,SerialNumber,Version
get baseboard information from powershell
prefix "Prefix_" to all files in a directory
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