3D Printing
Manufacturing that comes in many forms, of which I have gotten to try only a few.
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Manufacturing that comes in many forms, of which I have gotten to try only a few.
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The prospect of creating unique objects from a single process has been elusive, but relatively recently, 3D printing has been opened up to the masses. It really is a lovely process that opens up the realm of creativity. Of the variety of 3D manufacturing techniques, two dominate the consumer market: fused deposition modeling (FDM) and stereolithography (SLA). Another notable method at this time is selective laser sintering (SLS). Their respective output materials, generally, are plastic, resin, and plastic or metal.
https://www.billieruben.info/post/my-3d-printing-posters-1 jeffbarr/gridfinity-catalogGitHubhttps://github.com › jeffbarr › gridfinity-catalog
Chan Yen Yee