Like pages in a book, these are the sections which I want to return to, in order to re-experience.
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Like pages in a book, these are the sections which I want to return to, in order to re-experience.
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Subscribe to this calendar to see the daylight hours to your location as a calendar event. It even shows the number of hours each day! is the McDonalds ice cream machine broken?
the closest thing to a necessary evil
a kind of zeitgeist thermometer
public facing facebook
biggest time waster on the internet
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if you need your eyes to be occupied too
managed news
There is a variety: the original, the oneup, and the latest and the "greatest". These are what I like in websites. Simple and malleable to one person. These go over the principals for website design, but the key takeaway is that simplicity is best. Don't need to make every website look like a flipbook or reactive elements, just follow KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
Want to see something cool? Sound on.
Web experiments
calls itself the crystal ball of pop