Dungeons and Dragons
Embodiment of mandatory fun. It took the better part of a half dozen games to get to fight a dragon in a dungeon.
First game of D&D was Curse of Strahd. Joining in the middle of the campaign, my party was a group of (their words) "chucklefucks" and they most certainly lived up to that title in the best of ways.
Going into the game, I was told to not get too attached to my character. Creating a as a human Horizonwalker Ranger named Marcus, it was hard not to get attached to the character that I was building out. Starting off at level 5 to catch up, it was incredibly fun just to build out the character. Once I started playing, I immediately disregarded the advice and got attached.
Getting Started
This game fully depends on the interpersonal relationships of the players.
This game is heavily dependent on the group of party members and the DM. With the DM, they have more influence than any one party member but collectively it is the party that drives the story progression. It's a kind of improv between the DM and the party because neither knows what the other has in store.
There is an overarching story that will, to the best of the DM's ability, be followed. The party roll plays and problem solves to progress the story and level up. There are so many tools and options to play with and the depth of lore is simply breathtaking.
Additionally, there is
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