Notes and Ideas
Stuff from gnotes that might blossom
Cold calling feels like the "Zuko here" meme
My dad made me/us present gifts to the nurses and thank them for tending to mom. At the time I felt frustration but now it was the right thing.
Learning. A language is like Initially a hellish alien planet, then a dark jungle with glimpses of beauty, then a lush garden. Eventually that also becomes a desert because the language outlives is usefulness. But hey some last much longer than others
"You missed all of my vital organs" is so stupid
2023 01 11
My grandmother asked how long it has been since mom died. She doesn't know how low it has been since she buried her own daughter?
Though afterwards, she would say that she thought of Mom everyday. Who am I to think that her pain is any less than my own. Would she want to remember the date of her own daughter's death? I would not. Just to carry the weight of her memory is overwhelming already.
Places I've lived
Thailand, pig houses Thailand, Bangkok US, TX, Houston, Mimosa US, TX, Houston, Jason US, NY, Troy, US, NM, Santa Fe
Sim Ideas
Sim: drawstring of simple bagwhy is it so much harder to change string length closed but not open Chimp Memory test 1-10 Why blenders make a little poof the end of a button press for blending powders
Laser melting metal and throwing lasers off the melted metal like a disco ball as a movie finale
Hand covered in rose and Lavender Flames Corner
bow and arrow hitting giant in parabolic arc
Hunger games like flaming robes that when torn burn in each hand
equation of a circle in irrational dimensions
Convert dice roll into probability graph (eg. 3d10 --> probability distribution)
Generate commented line centered title with arguments of (comment character, line length, comment text)
FE Exam Topics
1.Mathematics A.Analytic geometry B.Calculus (e.g., differential, integral, single-variable, multivariable) C.Ordinary differential equations (e.g., homogeneous, nonhomogeneous,Laplace transforms) D.Linear algebra (e.g., matrix operations, vector analysis) E.Numerical methods (e.g., approximations, precision limits, error propagation, Taylor's series, Newton's method) F.Algorithm and logic development (e.g., flowcharts, pseudocode) 2.Probability and Statistics A.Probability distributions (e.g., normal, binomial, empirical, discrete,continuous) B.Measures of central tendencies and dispersions (e.g., mean, mode,standard deviation, confidence intervals) C.Expected value (weighted average) in decision making D.Regression (linear, multiple), curve fitting, and goodness of fit(e.g., correlation coefficient, least squares) 3.Ethics and Professional Practice A.Codes of ethics (e.g., NCEES Model Law, professional and technical societies, ethical and legal considerations) B.Public health, safety, and welfare C.Intellectual property (e.g., copyright, trade secrets, patents, trademarks) D.Societal considerations (e.g., economic, sustainability, life-cycleanalysis, environmental) 4.Engineering Economics4ā6 A.Time value of money (e.g., equivalence, present worth, equivalent annualworth, future worth, rate of return, annuities) B.Cost types and breakdowns (e.g., fixed, variable, incremental, average, sunk) C.Economic analyses (e.g., cost-benefit, break-even, minimum cost,overhead, life cycle) Electricity and Magnetism 5ā8 A. Electrical fundamentals (e.g., charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, energy, magnetic flux) B. DC circuit analysis (e.g., Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law, series, parallel) C. AC circuit analysis (e.g., resistors, capacitors, inductors) D. Motors and generators Statics A. Resultants of force systems B. Concurrent force systems C. Equilibrium of rigid bodies D. Frames and trusses E. Centroids and moments of inertia F. Static friction Dynamics, Kinematics, and Vibrations A. Kinematics of particles B. Kinetic friction C. Newtonās second law for particles D. Work-energy of particles E. Impulse-momentum of particles F. Kinematics of rigid bodies G. Kinematics of mechanisms H. Newtonās second law for rigid bodies I. Work-energy of rigid bodies J. Impulse-momentum of rigid bodies K. Free and forced vibrations Mechanics of Materials A. Shear and moment diagrams B. Stress transformations and Mohr's circle C. Stress and strain caused by axial loads D. Stress and strain caused by bending loads E. Stress and strain caused by torsional loads F. Stress and strain caused by shear G. Stress and strain caused by temperature changes H. Combined loading I. Deformations J. Column buckling K. Statically indeterminate systems Material Properties and Processing A. Properties (e.g., chemical, electrical, mechanical, physical, thermal) B. Stress-strain diagrams C. Ferrous metals D. Nonferrous metals E. Engineered materials (e.g., composites, polymers) F. Manufacturing processes G. Phase diagrams, phase transformation, and heat treating H. Materials selection I. Corrosion mechanisms and control J. Failure mechanisms (e.g., thermal failure, fatigue, fracture, creep) Fluid Mechanics A. Fluid properties B. Fluid statics C. Energy, impulse, and momentum D. Internal flow E. External flow F. Compressible flow (e.g., Mach number, isentropic flow relationships, normal shock) G. Power and efficiency H. Performance curves I. Scaling laws for fans, pumps, and compressors Thermodynamics A. Properties of ideal gases and pure substances B. Energy transfers C. Laws of thermodynamics D. Processes E. Performance of components F. Power cycles G. Refrigeration and heat pump cycles H. Nonreacting mixtures of gases I. Psychrometrics J. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) processes K. Combustion and combustion products Heat Transfer A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Transient processes E. Heat exchangers Measurements, Instrumentation, and Controls 5ā8 A. Sensors and transducers B. Control systems (e.g., feedback, block diagrams) C. Dynamic system response D. Measurement uncertainty (e.g., error propagation, accuracy, precision, significant figures) Mechanical Design and Analysis 10ā15 A. Stress analysis of machine elements B. Failure theories and analysis C. Deformation and stiffness D. Springs E. Pressure vessels and piping F. Bearings G. Power screws H. Power transmission I. Joining methods (e.g., welding, adhesives, mechanical fasteners) J. Manufacturability (e.g., limits, fits) K. Quality and reliability L. Components (e.g., hydraulic, pneumatic, electromechanical) M. Engineering drawing interpretations and geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)
Universal Gravitation
Imaginary Unit
Normal Distribution
Fourier Transform
Navier Stokes
Information Theory
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