Common use everywhere programs, present across all machines as part of mollusk: travelling from shell to shell.
Ubiquitous way of roaming the web. Moving away from it since the security leak, even if I'm deep into it. Facebook gets the same message. However that aside, this program and the vimium extension makes traversing the internet a breeze. That might be a bit of hyperbole, but it is at least less of a chore. secure one time messaging.
Make real, fake code from Gist to .svg
Thought it was ASCII art but it was really...
Glyphs copy with ease, especially degrees ℃ and angstroms Å
Make a gif of words in candy
MATLAB source codes
The Uncensored Library created in Minecraft.
Let me google that for you if feeling extra smartass-y
These prompts stick in your mind
webeditor online
Keep documents up to date without having to worry about. Doesn't have version control but
does keep a record. Plays well with git
Preferable over texting but hey, everything has a place.
Play with .cpp
gotta have cmake
simple finite elements in python sfepy
with openscad
Superhero API: a collection of a variety of super heros from all different universes. James Bond to Luke Skywalker and all those inbetween.
Gitsheet cheat sheet
Last updated