
Why this is here and why you should write one.

It is okay to be wrong.

These are unedited pages. Their veracity is unverified. Some significant component of this brainless mass text is going be factually incorrect. Though I strive to be accurate, the likelihood of perfect information is zero. The problem is not that I will not know what is correct and what is not because it is okay to be wrong.

Additinally, language is imprecise and simple words on a screen can only convey so much. Still, it is worth writing something down. It is the most bare, not even mean, contribution to the collection of human knowledge. You don't need to have a degree, you don't need to write a dissertation, you don't need to be on the bleeding edge of research. There are no requirements to contribute something of value.

You just have to write something with meaning and care. Something that represents you to make something of value. All it takes is a common basis of knowledge to connect with someone. Maybe not even that.

Put eloquently, "Existence precedes essence" or better still...

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